Negative self talk can be harmful on many levels of your life. But how do I recognize I'm actually doing it? Think about this: Have you ever found yourself speaking or thinking any of the following statements?
- “I’ve never been good with money”
- “I hate budgets”
- “I can’t afford…”
- “I’ll never be a 6-figure earner”
- “It’s hard to make money as an Entrepreneur”
- “People won’t pay premium prices for my services”
If any of these statements have ever come out of your mouth or been a thought that ran through your head, you, my friend, are engaging in a damaging habit known as negative self-talk.
Learn to recognize your inner critic and take action today. Check my Podcast: How to Override Your Inner Critic Through Action
By telling yourself these lies (and believing them) you are essentially reinforcing the negativity and will inevitably experience or see these things manifest in your life and business.
What we visualize and believe is what experience
For example, if you are constantly repeating the narrative that you are not good with money, or budgets are hard, or that you can’t earn a 6-figure income, then guess what… you will struggle to manage your money, and when the opportunity to make more presents itself, you will resist, sabotage, or run away from it altogether. Now, who really wants to live life like that? This is a clear negative self-talk you need to stop now.
These negative words and thoughts become self-fulfilling prophecies that plague us and either keep us in cycles of poverty and debt or limit our ability to create wealth in our lives so that we can make an impact and live the lifestyles we truly want.
However, in choosing to speak and think differently about money and your relationship with it, you can begin to shift your behaviors and the decisions you make around money.
Read More: 5 Ways On How To Overcome Self-Doubt
Your approach to handling money or managing your business can change drastically.
In fact, not only will your confidence increase, but you will start to align your behavior with actions that allow you to keep or attract more money.
Instead of approaching money management from a place of fear or disbelief, you will do so from a place of confidence and fact-based information.
So What Steps Can You Take To Begin Changing the Narrative or Negative Self-Talk?

1. Acknowledge It Exists
The first step toward changing your negative self-talk is to simply acknowledge that you do it. Every time you catch yourself making negative statements, whether out loud or in your head, take notes or write down if you need to.
2. Identify Your Triggers
Think back to the thought(s) you had just before the negative ones ran through your mind or slipped out of your mouth. Where did it come from? Who or what planted the original seed?
3. Forgive Yourself or the Person Who Planted the Original Seed
Our beliefs about money (good or bad) are usually formed during our childhood.
So based on references to money that were made in your household, i.e. “we have plenty of money in the bank,” or “we can’t afford it,” or “we’re broke,” etc., you would have likely created beliefs around these statements that are now, or have in the past, hindered you.
Related: 5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence
Take a moment to verbally forgive and release yourself, caregiver(s), or anyone else who might have shaped your beliefs or influenced your behavior towards money.
4. Reframe Your Money Narrative
The next time you catch yourself thinking or saying “I’m no good with money,” or “ I never have enough money,” stop yourself, and make a comment, to recall at least 5 instances where you were good with money (i.e. when you paid off your credit cards, saved for your first home or emergency fund, etc.)
Then began to verbally release statements like “I am a good steward over my money,” “I am generously supplied with all the resources I need” “I am wealthy!”
It is scientifically (and spiritually) proven that our subconscious minds respond to anything that comes after the words “I AM.”
Read More: 6 Ways To Start Your Day On A Positive Note Every Day
So, no matter what you tell or think to yourself after those two words, your subconscious minds will believe it to be true.
Just as negative self-talk becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, so does positive self-talk.
Therefore, monitoring and reframing your thoughts and words will be extremely critical to your success as you move down the path of your wealth journey.