Our Mission

Transform leaders of character, courage & consciousness

from the inside out!

Our Values

Integrity ~ Courage ~ Service ~ Growth ~ Authenticity

We love partnering with and supporting progressive leaders and organizations who share and embody values similar to ours!

Our Services

Leadership Development

Upgrade your people leadership skills with coaching and tools to manage performance, communicate effectively and foster connection & collaboration within your team.

Professional Development

Advance your career or business with training, coaching and peer support to overcome roadblocks, maximize your potential and achieve your goals.

Executive Coaching

Take your leadership capacity and effectiveness to the next level with performance coaching to help you achieve your goals and desired results.

New Leader Integration

Accelerate the results of newly hired or promoted leaders with tools and support to navigate the culture, forge meaningful relationships, and deliver on key priorities.

Workshop Facilitation

Strengthen your confidence, skills and effectiveness with interactive workshops, presentations, and training sessions tailored to participant's learning needs.

Talent Optimization

Create alignment between yourr business and talent strategies, strengthening their leadership bench, and cultivating engaged, high performing teams.

Who We Serve

Individuals ~ Businesses ~ Membership Associations

Learning to be a better leader is a lifelong journey - No matter your leadership level, we can help accelerate your growth and development!

Ready to future-proof your leadership, expand your influence, or accelerate your results?

After nearly 15 years of trying to fit within a prescribed mold, Sabine Gedeon broke away from the herd, took charge of her life, and embarked on a journey to discover the leader she now knows has always been there.

Encountering many transitions, and challenges on this journey, Sabine found herself repeatedly having to answer the questions; “who am I?” “what are my values?” “what is my purpose?” and “where am I heading?” Though nearly impossible to answer in the eye of a personal storm, or during times of uncertainty, these questions began serving as a roadmap for discovering her identity and innate abilities.

This journey, now several years in the making, has led to many revelations, including one very insightful observation; each person is born with an innate ability to lead.

The catch, though, is that most people don’t know it.

As long as this truth remains hidden, Sabine believes it poses a major threat to us in our organizations, communities, households, and societies at large.

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