When life is stressful and you've got a lot on your plate, you probably focus most of your energy on finding ways to solve the problem or, perhaps, to worry about it.
Challenging periods bring about intense emotions.
Unfortunately, it's natural for self-care to fall by the wayside when you're stressed.
However, breaking out of your panic to take time for self-care can have a tremendously positive impact on your energy level and your
Here are a few reasons why you shouldn't forget to take care of yourself.
1. Avoid Fight or Flight Mode
It may not even occur to you to remember to eat right or spend time on a hobby you love when you're facing an intense period of difficulties.
That's because your mind automatically goes into fight or flight mode, and your brain is focused only on how to fix the trouble you're having.
You're stuck living in survival mode and doing something nice for yourself may seem like too much of a luxury to spare at this time.
If you're not used to pampering yourself or allowing yourself some downtime, it certainly won't occur to you to do so when the going gets tough, when you actually need it most.
Self-care must become ingrained in your habits or added to your calendar for it to become a habit.
2. Prevent Burn-Out
Self-care goes beyond just eating well and getting adequate rest, though those are two essentials of taking good care of yourself.
There are several aspects of your core being that need to be nourished in order to be a healthy and whole person, including your spirit, relationships, emotional connections, physical body, and mind.

We, as humans, have a lot of needs to be met. When these aspects of our nourishment are lacking, we feel rundown, depressed, tired, and even anxious.
Making the time to address these needs will rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit so you can focus more clearly on finding solutions to the problems you’re facing.
When you're depleted, you don't have the energy and mind power that's needed.
3. Fuel Your Soul
Anything that makes you feel better and that you enjoy counts. Focus on the things that truly fuel you and your soul.
Getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, and exercising even a little can go a long way toward improving every other aspect of your life. Beyond that, the sky's the limit.
Choose one hobby that’s fun and enjoyable, that's easily accessible to you.
If spending time with friends or family is something that energizes you, incorporate other people in your choices so that you can gain social exposure.
While isolation can be draining, if you truly feel you need alone time, honor that and stick to solitary activities.
Putting the focus on yourself for a change may feel foreign and frivolous at first, but remember, if you don't put your own oxygen mask on first, you're not much good to anyone else.