No matter how confident we become, we all have days when we feel less than our best. It’s normal to experience moments of self-doubt and struggle with finding our confidence. Today’s confidence hack is all about creating a little tool that will help you get through those days and find your self-confidence again.
The idea is simple, really…Make a list of your strengths, skills, and achievements that you can look back on whenever you need a little confidence boost.

Like most people, sometimes just thinking about how far I’ve come and how much I can accomplish when I put my mind to it is always a HUGE confidence booster. I’m sure it’s no different for you.
And I’m sure you’ve probably done something over the past few days, weeks, and even years that you can be proud of. However, because there always seems to be so much left on the to-do list and the stuff you didn’t do, you probably don’t even recognize all the great things you’ve already accomplished.
It’s time to change your perspective and focus on the wins and how far you’ve come already.
Tips for boosting self-confidence.
So where should you begin?
- Morning Routine
The simplest way to make sure you see and notice what you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come is to get in the habit of spending a few minutes either in the morning (or right before bed) for Reflection & Gratitude.
When you wake up in the morning, before you jump out of bed, while you’re drinking that first cup of coffee, or even while you’re taking your shower, think about what you’ve accomplished and what you’re grateful for. I like this morning habit because it sets a positive and confident tone for the whole day ahead. Make it a daily routine and watch your confidence grow.

2. Confidence Journal
If you’re the type of person who needs to see it in black and white to believe it, give journaling a try. Spend a few minutes each day writing down your wins. Write down anything and everything you can think of that you’re proud of or that you’ve accomplished. Make a list of your strengths and any skills you’ve acquired over time.
This may seem a little strange at first, but stick with it, and you’ll get more comfortable with the process. Remember that you don’t need to show anyone your confidence journal. Brag away so you can remind yourself of everything you’ve accomplished when you’re having a bad day. Be sure to make it a point to go back and review your wins regularly and, of course, whenever you need a little boost of self-esteem and confidence.
3. Habit Tracker
If you’re trying to establish better habits, try a habit tracker. Nothing boosts your confidence, like getting into the habit of doing something positive. It doesn’t matter if the habit is something small like giving up coffee or something more challenging like quitting smoking. We all have habits we would like to create that will improve our lives, our jobs, or at the very least make things easier for us. But establishing new habits isn’t always easy. It can be hard to get going.
This is where the habit tracker comes into play. You can purchase one or create your own using an excel spreadsheet, a separate journal, or actual grid paper. If you choose to create your own, you will set up a grid with the habits you want to establish and use the boxes or cells to check off your progress as you complete your habit for the day. This method can be beneficial, as it shows you your progress while simultaneously motivating towards adding more checkmarks on your tracker.
Whatever tool you decide to use is up to you! The key to success, however, is consistency!