5 Powerful Ways Great Leaders Lead by Example

5 Powerful Ways How Great Leaders Lead by Example - Sabine Gedeon

I’m a firm believer that we are all leaders to some extent or another. You may lead your family, lead a group activity, or lead a team at work.

You might lead the way in innovation, or in teaching new generations the cultures of the past. In one way or another, you are a leader.

Think back to your school and work history.

Who were the most influential teachers and bosses that you’ve had?

Some influenced you by showing you what you don’t want to be like as a leader, but the ones that made the biggest impact on you were likely the teachers and managers who brought out the best in you and taught you through their own example. 

The biggest influence you have as a leader is the example you set for others.

People pay less attention to what you say, and more attention to what you do.

Through your example, you are always making an impact (good or bad). 

Here are 5 Ways Great Leaders Lead by Example

  1. Modelling appropriate behavior
  2. Teaching complex concepts
  3. Soliciting feedback from others and taking action
  4. Communicating expectations
  5. Holding self and others accountable

A great rule of thumb to keep in mind is that we are never unobserved.

The world is always responding to our presence.

" And because you can’t avoid experiencing life’s challenges, learning how to adjust and manage your attitude can greatly affect these issues impact you."

Read More:

4 Ways To Deal With Unexpected Challenges - Sabine Gedeon

Do your best to act from a place of integrity and think about your influence wherever you are.

Do what you can to be mindful of the fact that someone, somewhere, is looking up to you and being influenced by your behavior.

Even in the smallest of ways, your existence is making an important impact on the world.

Here are Character Traits of a Great Leaders

  1. Compassion
  2. Integrity 
  3. Honesty
  4. Courage
  5. Self-Control

Whether you are the leader of a Fortune 500 company or the commander of your household, you have the power to influence those looking to you in ways you can’t imagine.

You can help build someone’s character, teach them a skill, and encourage their self-worth just by doing what you do best.

Be a good example to those looking up to you and walk with confidence knowing that you are helping to mold and shape those you lead as they watch you.

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