4 Mindset Shifts For Success in Life, Leadership, & Career

4 mindset shifts for success in life

Ever wonder why it seems as if some people succeed at everything they do? Regardless if it’s a personal or professional goal, they always seem to find a way around obstacles and end up creating the things and experiences they want in life.  Perhaps you’ve always thought that success hinged on an external circumstance like a high IQ, wealth, a good upbringing, or a supportive partner. However, if you study successful people, you’ll quickly discover no one has a perfect life. In fact, many who are praised for their success start off with very humble beginnings

If you're like me, and you've studied other successful people, you’ve likely noticed they've adopted a different way of thinking than most.

And it's not that they're "better than others," but truly, their mindset sets them apart.

Mindset, one of the biggest differentiators that allow some to see and experience greater results in most, if not all, areas of their lives.

Your mindset affects every area of your life, including your relationships, your spirituality, your emotions, and even your career.

If you’ve never considered it, here are a few key ways that your mindset can shape your life:

1. Professional Reputation

When you're tasked with a new assignment or encounter a situation that’s beyond your skills or abilities, do you retreat and tell yourself or your manager “I’ll never learn how to do XYZ," and just give up or do you say “I don’t know how to do XYZ yet.”

Those with a success mindset approach challenges this way, putting the focus back on your growth, rather than your skills or abilities.

2. Effectiveness & Efficiency

Some people see problems and never look beyond them.

But those with a success mindset will likely identify problems and actively search for solutions, even if it isn't their job to find a solution.

Regardless of the problem, people with a success mindset view themselves as part of the solution.

3. Growth Opportunities

Whether you work at a small firm, a Fortune 500 company, or as an entrepreneur, you'll likely want to advance in your career/business at some point.

This will require learning new skills, networking with more people, or discovering more about your personality.

Those with a success mindset are typically more willing to work through the initial discomfort of learning something new.

4. Perception

Setbacks and failures don't look the same with a success mindset. Instead of shunning failure, you will analyze it and figure out what happened and how to grow from the experience.

Those with a success mindset, see failure and setbacks as opportunities to learn, as opposed to proof that you weren’t good enough or that you were unworthy of the success you desire.

Shifting your thoughts and developing new thought patterns does take time and intentional effort, but it's not impossible to do.

Related: 3 Ways To Getting Clear On Your Why

In fact, every day we read stories about people who have overcome great odds and pressed their way towards achieving the level of success they wanted for themselves and loved ones.

And while most people only focus on the "happily ever after" part of the story, the real shift towards success happened long before that.

So my challenge to you this week or month is to begin monitoring your thoughts concerning your personal life, career, or business. Pay close attention to your response to things that seem right outside your comfort zone, or just above of your normal risk tolerance. Then ask yourself these three questions before making a judgement or decision:

1. How do I want to respond to this?
2. Is the fear or hesitation I feel real or imagined?
3. What are the worse and best-case scenarios if I move forward?

Ready to begin shifting your thoughts and behaviors...

To achieve greater results and make a bigger impact in your career and on those around you?

Grab your copy of the Success Mindset Workbook today.