Do you ever have those days when you just want to crawl back into bed instead of going to work? Or have you ever thought about escaping to another city, state, or country even leaving everything and everyone behind?
Sometimes, running the rat race of life can bring us down, leaving us discouraged and feeling like we’re not worthy of success in our personal and professional lives. This can lead to imposter syndrome, or worse, a complete detachment from the goals and aspirations we once believed we could achieve.
These are the moments where doing the work to shift our perspectives are most needed, but also, the most challenging, based on our emotions and external circumstances. The following three tips can be incorporated into your everyday routine to help you make the shifts necessary to get back on track and focused when life (aka growth) shows up unexpectedly.
1. Examine Your Current Beliefs
Our subconscious internalizes limiting beliefs, which in turn, can cause us to feel unworthy or undeserving of success. If you’ve ever found yourself in this place, don’t fret…we’ve all been there! However, you can turn this pattern around. Start with identifying your beliefs (in all areas of your life). Then move on to uncovering the original source or your first recollection of when that belief was seeded (this usually goes back to your childhood). Lastly, assess whether or not the belief is really even true. You can do this by simply asking yourself “is XYZ belief true today?”. If the answer is no, release it, and replace it with a current truth.
2. Practice Gratitude
Become intentional about expressing gratitude for the small and big things in your life. Choosing to express gratitude on any level, every single day will eventually help you block out any negativity surrounding you. Essentially, gratitude reminds you of all that you have and all that you are. So, even when you make mistakes or encounter setbacks, you’ll find yourself filled with so much joy for what you do have and the lessons learned from the setbacks, it will be harder to fall into prior negative patterns. Start with keeping a gratitude journal. As you begin or go about your day, write down all the positive things you’re grateful for. Take note of both the material and immaterial substances in your life and list out the reasons you’re grateful for these things, people, and experiences.
3. Create A Positive Morning Routine
Instead of reaching for your phone the moment you wake up in the morning (which I’ve been guilty of doing), consider starting a routine that brings positivity, motivates you, and helps you set your intentions for the day. This could be as simple as listening to motivational music, writing in your journal, reading a couple of chapters from a book or blog you enjoy, etc. You can even incorporate exercise, prayer/meditation in your routine. The “what” is less significant than the “why.” The whole point is to start your day on a positive note with thoughts and beliefs that will motivate and encourage you throughout your day.
As you can see, there are no magic wands or pills that will shift your mindset. You are in total control of your mindset and your own success, regardless of how you’ve chosen to define it. The key is to clearly define what you want, create an internal process for staying focused, and remain consistent in reinforcing the behaviors that will bring you closer to the outcomes you desire.
If you’re ready to make some big changes in your life, it’s time to step out of your own way!
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